Experienced graphic design and website design
Since 2002, A New Machine has been producing high-quality, reasonably-priced design for a wide variety of clients.
Owner, principal and North Carolina native Kent Swecker (shown here about to fist bump Amenhotep III) brings 20 years of design experience to each project. When not illegally touching the antiquities, Kent loves to hike, backpack, cook, hack away at the guitar/bass/mandolin and hang out with his wife and kids.
A New Machine celebrates its 21st anniversary in the summer of 2023! A tip of the hat to all who have helped and supported the Machine.
Select Clients
- 2SL Design Build
- Absolute Dental Services
- The ACC
- Advanced Wellness Systems
- Allure Homes
- Bivarus
- Capitol Commission
- Cherokee Investment Partners
- Church of the Apostles
- City of Raleigh
- Clinipace
- Core Sound Imaging
- Cotton Inc.
- Frazier Home Design
- GR&S Construction
- Inland Construction
- Jim’s Own Sauce
- KDK Design
- McNamara & Co.
- North Carolina State University
- Pay Pros
- Raleigh Custom Homes
- Rural Healthcare
- TJT Public Accountants
- W.H. Desvousges & Associates